Lunchlezing PhD / PDEng

Students who want to work on solving complex problems in a challenging, competitive, and innovative environment and who want to achieve a leading position in R&D (basic research, applied research, and experimental development) or technological innovation, should consider accelerating their career by continuing their professional development by means of a PhD degree program or a PDEng (Professional Doctorate in Engineering) degree program, in close collaboration with industry. PDEng degree programs exist already since 1986 and the TU/e Department of Mathematics and Computer Science has been offering such degree programs ever since. In this session Harold Weffers will present (i.) the added value of a PhD or PDEng degree program compared to an M.Sc. degree, (ii.) the differences between PhD and PDEng, (iii.) a brief overview of some of the PDEng programs offered by TU/e and (iv.) some more details about the PDEng Software Technology program and some of the projects performed by its trainees.

Note that for this lunch lecture that are only 30 spots available. We kindly ask you to be subscribed Thursday before the lecture. If there are more than 30 people interested, there will be a draw. You will be informed about your participation, the lecture and all corona measures Friday before the lecture takes place.

dinsdag 1 september 2020 om 12:40
dinsdag 1 september 2020 om 13:20
Luna 1.056
Gratis lunch!
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